Modern and responsible approach to planned parenthood

What is Preconception Genetic Examination?

The preconception examination is a set of genetic tests that are suitable for couples at the time of planning a pregnancy, i.e. before conceiving a child (conception). The aim of these tests is to reduce the risk of giving birth to a child with a severe genetic disease.

Is Preconception Genetic Examination suitable for a couple who has no relatives with a genetic disease?

Yes, this type of examination is especially designed for couples without known genetic burden in the family. The analyses aim to disclose those genetic predispositions that cause no symptoms in their carriers. A child, who inherits these “hidden” predispositions from both parents (or a son who inherits the mutation from mother in case of X-linked disease), will be severely affected.

Is Preconception Genetic Examination also advisable in couples whose families suffers a genetic disorder?

Prime genetic examination for couples, who have a genetic disease with known molecular cause in the family, is a test that targets this disease. However, to disclose predispositions to other genetic disorders the carrier screening can also be performed and is fully recommended.

What kind of genetic tests does Preconception Genetic Examination include?

Main part of the preconception genetic examination is the “Carrier screening” test. The test examines whether an individual carries genetic predispositions (mutations) to the most common monogenic diseases, i.e. diseases caused by a mutation in a single gene. Examined genetic diseases include 1) autosomal recessive (AR) disorders, where the child‘s disability is caused by mutations in the same gene inherited from both parents (healthy carriers) and 2) X-linked diseases, where the affected son inherits from mother (a healthy carrier) the mutated gene on the X sex chromosome.

To complete preconception examination, the chromosome complement (karyotype) may also be analyzed.

What specific hereditary diseases are included in the preconception test?

Genetika Plzeň nabízí prekoncepční vyšetření ve dvou variantách. Obě zahrnují vyšetření karyotypu (Cytogenetická laboratoř | Genetika Plzeň ( a liší se v počtu vyšetřených monogenních onemocnění:

Základní prekoncepční test: Detekce přenašečství mutací pro nejčastější 3 autosomálně recesivní monogenní onemocnění v české populaci, resp. ve střední Evropě: cystickou fibrózu, spinální muskulární atrofii a nesyndromovou hluchotu (v důsledku mutace genu GJB2). Vyšetření je zcela hrazeno ZP. Molekulární laboratoř | Genetika Plzeň (

Rozšířený prekoncepční test – „Carrier screening“: Screening přenašečství pro 128 autosomálně recesivně dědičných a 23 X-vázaných monogenních chorob. Vyšetření cílí na nejčastěji se vyskytující recesivní choroby ve všech světových etnikách, např.: cystickou fibrózu, spinální muskulární atrofii, nesyndromovou hluchotu (s mutací genu GJB2), α a β thallasemie, srpkovitou anémii, fenylketonurii, albinismus typu 1 a další

The examination is partially covered by the health insurance with a supplement of CZK 3 500,-/person.

Preconception test = modern and responsible approach to parenthood